Not finding the man of your dreams? Been on hundreds of dates with anyone you can make a date with hoping he would be the one? I feel your pain - I have been there myself. I am here to give you the my expert dating advice and tips for women.
I know how disappointing it can be to go out on one date after another and each time you are wondering why he couldn't have been the one. You begin to feel as if something is wrong with you. You start asking yourself, why is everyone else finding the man of their dreams and I am left sitting home alone, again! Trust me when I say there is nothing wrong with you. The problem might just be that you don't know what you are looking for in a partner.
The best dating tips and advice for women I have ever been given is to first and foremost know what you want in a partner. I thought I knew the basics of what I was looking for but once I sat down and made out a list I began to see that there were so many more things I was looking for in a partner than I had been aware of. You need to get paper and a pen and start listing anything and everything you are looking for in a husband. Don't worry about being shallow- the list is for your eyes only and there is no right or wrong. The list can and should change over time as you get older there are different things that you are looking for, or things you thought you wanted are not important anymore.
The purpose of this list is so you have a clear picture of what you are actually looking for. Once you know exactly what you want and you are focused on it, finding Mr. Right will be much easier than it has been. Just knowing exactly what you want in a partner honestly is the key to finding that special someone. I am not saying the first man you go out with once your list is made will be the one. But you will find that you will be dating a much better quality of men then previously.
Study the list and get to know it and feel it. I was skeptical at first when I was given this advice. It turned out to be the best thing I ever did. It made everything so clear for me. Before I was all over the place dating anyone and just hoping he would be the one. But once I had a clearer picture I was able to focus on only the men that fit into my list. Since then I have met my Mr. Right and he is everything I had on my list (and even more)!
Meredith Rose is a relationship expert and writes dating/relationship blogs, articles and newsletters for women and men.
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