Saturday, January 15, 2011

5 Sex Tips for Christians

Here are 5 important intimacy tips for Christians:

1. Enjoyment. First and foremost what must be stressed with Christian sex,is enjoyment. sex is a wonderful gift from God and was intended to be enjoyed. It serves as a celebration of your relationship. Unfortunately many Christian couples get caught up in worry over some aspects of sex being sinful. Always make it a point to think of enjoyment first and foremost in regards to Christian sex. You will sort out the fine details, but it won't happen through worry and fear. Primary concern is the enjoyment of sex without stress and worry.

2. Lubricants. Let's get to some specifics. Many Christians are scared of using any kind of "sex toys", believing they may be sinning by including these into their intimacy. While there are indeed some extreme sex toys that should be avoided, there is a simple sex toy which the both of you can enjoy, worry free. Lubricants are a great way to add stimulation and comfort to your sex lives. They are easy to use and extremely pleasing.

3. Getaways. A guaranteed way to re-ignite your Christian sex life is to have regular getaways. Now these do not have to be expensive excursions, but rather simple weekend trips out of town, or if need be, in town to a nice hotel just to get away and be with one another in a different setting. Once in that setting, free from distraction, you can allow yourselves to become intimate with one another much more easily.

4. Frequency. sex should be had often. How often? This will depend on the couple, but the key is to make it a regular event so your very important sex life does not dry up. Intimacy IS important, and whether you practice intimacy once a week or once a month, just make sure to make it a regular part of your relationship.

5. Positions. Many Christian couples get caught up in worry over which position is allowed and which position is not allowed. Some believe that only one or two positions can be practiced by Christians! Not the case. Most positions are fine to perform, and the one's that should be avoided are the obvious one's that can be dangerous, or that go against your spouses comfort levels.

A good Christian intimacy guide, such as this one here - can outline the best positions available for Christians. This one also provides all the Christian safe techniques you can perform, as well as providing excellent ways to increase the frequency of your sex life.

Here's an excellent section on how to make sex as pleasurable and enjoyable as possible, as Christians. You can check out this guide at

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