Saturday, February 26, 2011

Better Oral Sex - Tips For Women Who Want to Make Their Man's Toes Curl

When you give your man oral sex, he doesn't seem to receive the kind of pleasure that you want him to feel. He tends to want to speed things up and this makes you worried. You worry that maybe you just aren't good enough and that you are unable to be good at giving a man oral sex. You need some assistance.

You need some tips so you can learn how to make your man's toes curl tonight. You want to be able to give your man the greatest oral sex of his entire life and you want to be able to make that happen tonight. You want to be better at oral sex and it is time that you made this dream a reality.

The most important rule with giving a man oral sex is that you must be able to have fun with it. You have to let your hair down and stop worrying about little things around you. If you make a funny noise while you are performing fellatio and he starts to giggle, then you have to go with the flow. It is time that you stopped taking everything so seriously because this is how you are ruining the experience.

The more fun you have with it, the more relaxed you will be and in turn, the more relaxed he will be. Your man wants you to enjoy giving him oral sex or else he feels like it is a chore for you to do. He can pick up on this energy and it is a major turn off for him. Be laid back and go with the flow and your man will love it.

In order to be better at oral sex, there are things that you can try during oral stimulation that will really drive him wild. For example, try flicking your tongue against the tip of his member. There is typically a fold of skin there that is extremely sensitive and when you do this, it will send shivers throughout his body. This is a little trick that you don't want to do too often because you don't want to create too much sensitivity to your man that it creates some pain.

Another trick to use is to deep throat your man. If you are able to do this, then you must try it tonight. Nothing feels better to your man than when he is able to explore every inch of your mouth. Allow him to experience this sensation if you know that you are able to make it happen.

You want to please your man by stimulating him with oral sex. You want him to crave your touch throughout the day. To find out more about how to give a man great oral sex, including what not to do, visit this Helpful Site!

Giving a man pleasure orally shouldn't be this difficult or intimidating. You can become better in bed and give him plenty of mind blowing orgasms. If you want to become the best lover he has ever had then you need to learn the secret today so you can use it tonight.

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Sunday, February 20, 2011

Dating Advice Series 301 - Date More Men - Understand His Mind

If you are a very confident woman and you like what you see in the mirror every morning, continue to do what you are doing, because it's working. If not, or you want to tune up your game, just understand that the man's mind is very simple when it comes to meeting a lady.

What men are looking for is a woman who is confident about herself and who she is. Men think like travelers and want a woman who can fend for themselves, not a clingy type.

Next characteristic of understanding a man's mind so you can date more men is, men want beauty. It sounds corny and old fashioned, however beauty is all an opinion. Men either spot it in the first 5 seconds of the encounter, or it's just not there.

Follow this next step closely. Men want a woman with brains. They want to be both sexually and intellectually stimulated with you. It's a package deal. You don't have to have a Phd from Yale; I think you know what I mean.

And let's not forget the body. Men want thin rather than thick women. I am just the messenger. Men want thin women who are athletic, who workout, women who are active and energetic. That excites men.

Now for the grand slam home run. Ladies, men want a woman with balance. What is the definition of balance to a man?

It's a combination of beauty, brains, body and natures chemistry all wrapped together. Men want it all in one package.

In conclusion, if you want to date more men, you need to understand his mind so you can adjust some things about yourself. We all need to do this.

Best. I'd like to invite you to visit my web site and see what other valuable information you can use. Go to

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Monday, February 14, 2011

Interracial Dating Advice

Interracial dating in the western world really isn't what it used to be. The days when it was almost universally frowned on are over. That said, there are still those who are opposed to interracial couples and there are communities that reject the notion entirely. Still, by and large, if you live in the US, the UK, Canada and a handful of other countries, interracial dating really isn't seen as that big a deal.

If you are finding it difficult being accepted as a couple, though, if you have friends who get a little uncomfortable around your new boyfriend/girlfriend because of their race, if people challenge you over something as ridiculous as the color of your partner's skin, there are a few things you can do to counter that.

If you have friends that refuse to accept your partner for who they are, then you have to ask yourself if those friends are really worth keeping around. It can be shocking for some to discover that longtime friends have secretly been harboring racist feelings all along, and all they needed was the presence of someone of another race to bring it out of them. They feel intruded upon by your decision to date someone of another race, and the truth is that it's not your problem to deal with, it's theirs, so make it clear that they can either accept your partner or find new friends. Bottom line: if at all possible, avoid people who don't accept you and your partner.

Secondly, you should consider the community you live in. Many of us from predominately white or predominately black or predominately Asian, Latino or any other sort of community may forget that just because we can walk through the neighborhood feeling completely safe doesn't mean that our partner never feels threatened. Some areas, some communities, some groups just aren't accepting at all of other races. If you plan on getting serious with your partner, you should consider looking for a home or a community where diversity is commonplace, somewhere where both of you can feel safe and accepted.

And finally, don't listen to anybody who has an issue with your partner's race, no matter what they try to say. Someone who tells you that "Interracial children will have a hard time being accepted" may as well be saying "they'll have a hard time being accepted by ME". The greater western community is generally accepting of interracial couples. It's not American or European culture that discourages interracial dating, it's individuals and small pockets of civilization who are still stuck in the 1950's. If you fall in love with someone who's black, who's white, who's Hispanic or any other race, that's your prerogative, nobody else's.

You can find more about Interracial dating Advice at

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Sunday, February 6, 2011

First Time Sex Tips - 3 Important Health Concerns

If you are planning on having sex for the first time, there are some serious health concerns that you should think about before you dive in.

Health Concerns for the First sexual Encounter

Both men and women should keep these points in mind when deciding to have sex for the first time.

  • sexually Transmitted Diseases - It is extremely important to practice safe sex each and every time you have a sexual encounter. There are many STDs out there these days. Every time you sleep with someone, you're also coming into contact with anyone they slept with. This can add up quickly in some circles.
  • Love and Heartbreak - If you are considering having sex for the first time, it should be with someone you are in love with. This makes the sex better, and can lessen the chance of emotional trauma if the first time doesn't go as great as it could. This is a mental health concern, but it is one that should be taken seriously.
  • Choosing a Spot - While you may be turned on in the car and the back seat may look tempting, this may not be the best place to have sex for the first time for many reasons, including health concerns. You want to make your first time special, so go with the flow and find the perfect spot. It will come to you.

First Time sex Tips

Now that we have the concerns out of the way, prepare for one of the greatest experiences in the world. Here are some tips to make the first time better.

  • Give it Time - Don't rush into it. Take your time and enjoy the experience. It's not a race that needs to be finished quickly!
  • Communicate - While it may be awkward to talk about it with your partner, if you're about to have sex with them you should be able to communicate the fact that it's your first time. This can lower their expectations and make the experience more enjoyable for both people.
  • Listen - If you're having sex for the first time, you don't have a lot of experience. Listen to your partner. They will let you know what turns them on and gets them going.
  • Practice Makes Perfect - If your first time isn't that great - whether you're a man or a woman - don't be that surprised. It isn't for most people. It does get better, however, with lots and lots of practice.

If you think about the health concerns mentioned above and put these first time sex tips into use, you're going to be well on your way to learning why sex makes the world go round.

K. Paul Mallasch is the publisher of Health Courage, where you can find more information about how to stop overeating.

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