Saturday, January 29, 2011

Christian Tips For Great Sex

Here are 3 excellent tips for Christian sex!

The Weekend Getaway - A surefire tip for great sex is to get away for a weekend! Even if it is just for one night, and even if it means going to a nearby hotel or camping somewhere close, just taking the action of creating a getaway for you and your partner works wonders for improving sex dramatically. The effects of just one weekend getaway can improve your sex life for months and months to come.

sex Toys - Believe it or not there are quite a few Christian safe sex toys available. And they should be used to improve intimacy! These don't have to be anything big, but can be as simple as erotic oil and lotion rubs. These simple sex toys greatly enhance pleasure, provides much needed variety, and forces you and your partner to touch each other more and really get into intimacy.

Rules of Intimacy - Many Christian couples get caught up in the "what is allowed - what isn't allowed" aspect to intimacy. This can lead to a very stale life of intimacy. As for the rules of intimacy, you should concern yourselves with two major things: safety and agreement. Is your sex intimacy free from inflicting obvious harm or using positions that one partner feels uncomfortable with? If you practice intimate safety and both agree on the positions and techniques you are performing, then your Christian sex should be sound. You can further investigate the rules of intimacy and together decide what you will allow and won't allow into your intimate practice. Agreement is key.

Here are some important rules of intimacy to follow for a Christian relationship -

You will also learn here how to have great, amazing sex as Christians, never suffering from a stale or dull life of intimacy ever again. Check out these Christian sex tips -

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Sunday, January 23, 2011

First Time Sex Tips - How to Lose Your Virginity in Style

Having sex for the first time is normally something you share with a special somebody, but for some it might be a big hurdle - either due to age, physical disability, shyness or simply feeling ashamed that you are a virgin at a higher age. You need not be worried about this, but for some that is easier said than done.

In such cases you could choose between these options:

  • Counseling with a psychotherapist about your concerns
  • Getting in touch with a good friend you feel comfortable with

Let's examine these options in each their perspective.

Counseling With a Psychotherapist

Sometimes there can be psychological blockings that have caused you not to get involved in sex. You can get advice from a psychologist or a psychotherapist to find the background for your sentiments, and in that way you might come across whatever caused you not to get involved with sex yet.

Very often you will find that your feelings are irrational, and you have reasons that only make sense for yourself for having held back. Getting confirmation of whatever has caused a low self-esteem can be an important first step in getting past your virginity.

Getting In Touch With a Good Friend

You might also choose to get in touch with a good friend to hear whether they would want to help you overcome this problem. There is no doubt that you could easily agree to help one another if you would feel more comfortable than just a mere one night stand with someone found through chat services or other online means of contact.

On the other hand, you should carefully consider that some friendships are destroyed once you cross the sexual barrier since other feelings come to the surface in the process.

But having a one-time experience with a close friend can also be very liberating since you share that one special moment while still accepting this was a purely technical encounter to help you enter the world of adult sexuality.

In Conclusion

There is nothing to be ashamed of in being a virgin. You have the option of sharing a very special moment before you, but for some the feelings associated with virginity are great shyness, and even though we try to convince you it is highly natural, you need to feel comfortable about this so you can move on.

Don't feel any pressure to move ahead before you're sure you are ready for sex.

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Saturday, January 15, 2011

5 Sex Tips for Christians

Here are 5 important intimacy tips for Christians:

1. Enjoyment. First and foremost what must be stressed with Christian sex,is enjoyment. sex is a wonderful gift from God and was intended to be enjoyed. It serves as a celebration of your relationship. Unfortunately many Christian couples get caught up in worry over some aspects of sex being sinful. Always make it a point to think of enjoyment first and foremost in regards to Christian sex. You will sort out the fine details, but it won't happen through worry and fear. Primary concern is the enjoyment of sex without stress and worry.

2. Lubricants. Let's get to some specifics. Many Christians are scared of using any kind of "sex toys", believing they may be sinning by including these into their intimacy. While there are indeed some extreme sex toys that should be avoided, there is a simple sex toy which the both of you can enjoy, worry free. Lubricants are a great way to add stimulation and comfort to your sex lives. They are easy to use and extremely pleasing.

3. Getaways. A guaranteed way to re-ignite your Christian sex life is to have regular getaways. Now these do not have to be expensive excursions, but rather simple weekend trips out of town, or if need be, in town to a nice hotel just to get away and be with one another in a different setting. Once in that setting, free from distraction, you can allow yourselves to become intimate with one another much more easily.

4. Frequency. sex should be had often. How often? This will depend on the couple, but the key is to make it a regular event so your very important sex life does not dry up. Intimacy IS important, and whether you practice intimacy once a week or once a month, just make sure to make it a regular part of your relationship.

5. Positions. Many Christian couples get caught up in worry over which position is allowed and which position is not allowed. Some believe that only one or two positions can be practiced by Christians! Not the case. Most positions are fine to perform, and the one's that should be avoided are the obvious one's that can be dangerous, or that go against your spouses comfort levels.

A good Christian intimacy guide, such as this one here - can outline the best positions available for Christians. This one also provides all the Christian safe techniques you can perform, as well as providing excellent ways to increase the frequency of your sex life.

Here's an excellent section on how to make sex as pleasurable and enjoyable as possible, as Christians. You can check out this guide at

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Monday, January 10, 2011

Dating Advice and Tips For Women - Know What You Want Before You Date!

Not finding the man of your dreams? Been on hundreds of dates with anyone you can make a date with hoping he would be the one? I feel your pain - I have been there myself. I am here to give you the my expert dating advice and tips for women.

I know how disappointing it can be to go out on one date after another and each time you are wondering why he couldn't have been the one. You begin to feel as if something is wrong with you. You start asking yourself, why is everyone else finding the man of their dreams and I am left sitting home alone, again! Trust me when I say there is nothing wrong with you. The problem might just be that you don't know what you are looking for in a partner.

The best dating tips and advice for women I have ever been given is to first and foremost know what you want in a partner. I thought I knew the basics of what I was looking for but once I sat down and made out a list I began to see that there were so many more things I was looking for in a partner than I had been aware of. You need to get paper and a pen and start listing anything and everything you are looking for in a husband. Don't worry about being shallow- the list is for your eyes only and there is no right or wrong. The list can and should change over time as you get older there are different things that you are looking for, or things you thought you wanted are not important anymore.

The purpose of this list is so you have a clear picture of what you are actually looking for. Once you know exactly what you want and you are focused on it, finding Mr. Right will be much easier than it has been. Just knowing exactly what you want in a partner honestly is the key to finding that special someone. I am not saying the first man you go out with once your list is made will be the one. But you will find that you will be dating a much better quality of men then previously.

Study the list and get to know it and feel it. I was skeptical at first when I was given this advice. It turned out to be the best thing I ever did. It made everything so clear for me. Before I was all over the place dating anyone and just hoping he would be the one. But once I had a clearer picture I was able to focus on only the men that fit into my list. Since then I have met my Mr. Right and he is everything I had on my list (and even more)!

Meredith Rose is a relationship expert and writes dating/relationship blogs, articles and newsletters for women and men.

Get your FREE report and learn the Secrets To dating and find your soul mate today!!! click here

Get the FREE report that will change your dating life FOREVER!!!!! click here

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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

No matter what our kids think about us… WE ARE AWESOME!!! Read this… then share it!

Free Christian Dating Advice

It is not necessary that on the very first date the one should start planning the wedding but dating can be the first step taken towards a Christian marriage. The mention of marriage on the first day may make anyone scared, but Christian dating is essentially dating with the intention of marriage. There is always a marked difference between Christian dating and other dating. So this concept of this should be very clear before starting the dating.

Christian dating means to follow Christian ethics when you are going on a serious date. It does not mean to date a Christian, going on Christian place and doing Christian acts. It is wrong to ask to date a person whom you see as a potential friend rather than taking a person whom you see as a potential husband or wife. No doubt on the fact that husbands and wives should be good friends, but their friendship is of a special kind which works as the foundation of romance.

The popularity of free dating is widely popular because many sites are emerging which help in arranging dates which maintain strict Christian ethics. These websites does not charge anything. All you have to do is to choose a free dating site carefully so that you can avoid bogus and un-authentic sites.

The amazing thing about free dating sites is that they are better in their service than those who charge $15 to $40. The paid sites show you the profiles only after you pay the partial or the full amount, but the free sites show you them without asking for a penny. The free and paid websites both matches profile with the use of the same software, so it is always the same kind of match you will get. As you do not have to pay that does not mean you will get bad service. Even the most successful websites offer service for free.

There are many websites specializing in Christian dating in the UK. Many website specializes in helping singles of Ireland, Scotland as well as in the UK in finding a perfect match for them. The singles can meet the perfect one for them through the website and it is helping to promote Christian dating in the UK. It helps them to find a perfect match where both have the intention of getting married.

Free Christian dating

Christian dating in the UK

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